
Showing posts from June, 2024

Language Shapes Perceptions ?!

  I have often heard this statement from many stakeholders ; Why is language so important in the context of neurodiversity ? Here we are , talking about a group that , for most part , has been misunderstood and marginalised. Many members of the community are routinely denied access to appropriate education and work opportunities and a quest for accommodations is perceived as a demand for some kind of a special treatment . Healthcare professionals tend to brush off many of our issues under the garb of sensory differences, often making us the favourite target population for weird and unscientific ‘diets, medications and therapies’ that promise miraculous relief and cure .   With so much at stake , shouldn't our focus be on   research to figure out ways and means to alleviate and work around some of these challenges, so that we can learn, work and live to the best of our ability ? Does language even matter in such a context ? I sat down to think about this and realised that it does ma