It’s all in your mind!

Change is the only true constant and also the one thing that is the most difficult to deal with . The ability to deal with change positively is the key to learning and growth .This is a skill that is not inherently possessed by many, yours truly included,  but it can be acquired with consistent practice and lots of hard work .

The key first step to dealing with change in a positive way is to understand the reason why our mind perceives change as a big deal . Doing things in a certain way or perceiving situations or people in a certain way over a period of time creates a pattern in our mind and conditions our thinking . We start to believe that the status quo is the only true normal - the most appropriate way to live and learn . 

One fine day, along comes something that challenges the notion of normal - something unknown, yet powerful - a change .

Dealing with the change positively becomes a challenge as it involves questioning our perceptions and unlearning the old ways to learn the new. The change could be so huge that  dealing with it may involve unlearning the very foundation of our belief .It is surely not an easy thing to do, especially if it challenges years of conditioning . Doing things in a set pattern for an extended period of time creates the comfort of routine. A change in the routine, for many people like me, could set off bouts of intense anxiety .

 Embracing a growth mindset is the right way forward and the key to achieving this mindset is a flexibility in thought - the inherent understanding that there is no absolute right or wrong. A fixed mindset only leads to stagnation and living in denial will not change a single thing! Listening to the voice of reason, which is propelled by hard facts and not subjective opinions, helps in making the right choices .

Change can be an agent for growth . All that it takes is the choice to embrace the right mindset .

Image design : Aditi Sowmyanarayan 


  1. So true, as we grow older, we get more rigid in our mindsets. Beautifully penned.

    1. Thank you Viji auntie .Many of us who are younger also find it difficult to deal with change and writing about it, for me, is a way to re-iterate to myself to consciously choose a growth mindset

  2. So true but so difficult to accept at times. Beautiful piece <3

    1. thank you Varsha madam. for me change is not easy to deal with most of the times, but i guess reminding myself about this helps

  3. great post aditi you talk about how not having a growth mindset can become the biggest obstacle to accepting change.

    1. thank you. growth mindset ensures just that- growth!!- having said that it is something that is quite difficult for me to achieve, something that involves conscious choice.


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